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Q1: Where are you located?
A:Shop no.9 Melville, Johannesburg, 2092
Q2: What are your operating hours?
A: Monday-Friday 9am-7pm
Saturday/Sundays & Public Holidays 9am-7pm
Q3: How do I schedule an appointment?
A: You can schedule your appointment by phone using the contact details below or in person by visiting the store at the mentioned address
Q4: Can I book extra services while I am at the salon?
A: Absolutely Yes. Please ask we always try to accommodate your wishes
Q5: What methods of payment do you accept?
A: Cash, Visa and Mastercard
Q6: When are you mostly booked?
A: On weekends when people are not at work
Q7: Where can I see your price list?
A:On the salon website and across all our social media platforms as well as at the store
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